Waipuna Law is committed to providing high quality service and value for money and on request will provide fee estimates for some routine work, such as the review of leases or company formations, but typically the fee is determined by the time spent, plus the urgency and complexity or value of the matter based on applicable charge out rates. These rates and payment terms and penalties are set out in our written Terms of Engagement which are provided in every case at the first possible instance.


Waipuna Law has a track record of success in devising and implementing strategies and plans that result in significant and sustainable improvements in our Client’s business profits through risk management and improving  customer relationship management.


Waipuna Law is committed to providing high quality service and value for money and understands that all our Clients want to keep their legal fees as low as possible which is possible when the following guidelines are followed:

  1. Call us as soon as possible do not delay. A quick 5 minute phone call could literally save you thousands of dollars compared to calling too late or after an attempt to resolve it yourself without proper advice.

  2. Provide us with all the relevant facts. When instructing us provide a concise written summary of all the facts. We will then determine what is relevant or not and what supporting documents we need to see. If we need to ask for these documents several times then this is wasting time and money. Making repeat phone calls and emails for the same thing is probably the most common waste of legal time and time is money.

  3. Let us know at the start what your legal budget and time frames are. We can provide options on the level of service you receive if we are aware of what value you place on the results achieved and what you can afford. Spending more money does not always result in a better or quicker outcome either, but it may mean a reduction of risk.

  4. We need to know what result you want to achieve. By knowing this we may have to advise that the desired result is never likely to be achieved and any attempt is a waste of legal fees. It’s possible that we may suggest another result could be better achieved and for less cost though.

  5. Stick to the agreed game plan. If we agree on the best approach to resolve the problem then don’t change your mind without consulting first. Do not be swayed in your decision by friends and family who may not be legally trained or understand the full legal picture.

  6. Limit the number of parties instructing us. If we need to consult with two or more decision makers or repeat the same conversation with several decision makers then it will cost more money. Appoint one person with the power to make decisions and issue instructions.

  7. Pay your account on time. Most accounts are payable within seven days otherwise penalty interest and debt collection fees may be incurred which adds unnecessary extra cost to the original invoice.